The Basics of Dominoes
Dominoes, a small rectangular game piece that has anywhere from 1 to 6 spots, are used to play many different games. When a domino is knocked down, it causes hundreds and sometimes thousands of other pieces to fall over. These pieces can be arranged in flat lines or even 3D structures like towers and pyramids. Dominoes can also be stacked together to create elaborate patterns that look impressive when they are knocked down. The word domino comes from the Latin domini, meaning “heavy one.” Dominoes are normally twice as long as they are wide, which makes them easier to stack after use.
A domino is usually divided by a line down the middle to separate its ends into two squares. Each end has an arrangement of spots, called pips, that are similar to those on a die. Each end may be blank, or it may have a value indicated by the number of pips on that side. For example, a domino with six pips on one end and none on the other is referred to as a double-six. The total value of the domino’s pips is its rank, or its weight. A domino with more pips is heavier than a domino with fewer pips, but there are exceptions.
The value of a domino is determined by how well it matches another piece with which it is played. For example, if one player lays down a double-six and the other player has no domino with a value of six or higher on both ends, that piece is said to be a “lightning bolt” and must be removed from play.
When a domino is matched with another piece that has the same value on both sides, it is known as a “spinner.” This type of domino can be placed at an angle and new tiles may be laid at any of its three open edges.
Despite their low cost, dominoes have great appeal. Their simple design, the way they fit together and their ability to produce spectacular displays make them popular with children. They are also a fun way for adults to challenge their mental skills.
As the popularity of domino has grown, so has the word’s meaning. It has become a common term to refer to any situation in which one trigger leads to a cascade of events. In the Cold War, for instance, President Eisenhower cited the falling domino principle to support his decision to help South Vietnam resist Communism.
Domino’s CEO, Tom Doyle, has a reputation for taking risks and using bold moves to boost his company’s image. He has worked with crowd-sourced auto designers to develop a Domino’s delivery car, and the result is a brightly colored, cool-looking vehicle that one article described as “a cheese lover’s Batmobile.”
Doyle has also put into place changes that are intended to improve customer service. In addition to revamping the company’s dress code, he has emphasized the importance of listening to complaints and responding quickly to them. He has also praised employees who successfully address customer complaints.